Mon, 10 Feb 2025

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Call us to schedule a consultation on how AdGenie can help you capture caller information and measure your advertising effectiveness for your business and how to start using AdGenie and get one month (minutes & appends not included in this offer) for FREE.

What is your advertising effectiveness? Wouldn’t you agree the BEST way to manage your advertising effectiveness is to measure it? Not measuring just the calls you get from each advertising source, but specific information about each caller. Imagine measuring your closing ratio by lead source and knowing the average size of sale by lead source! Now you can with AdGenie’s Call Measurement and Ad Tracking System. Best of all, beyond the obvious savings of effectively managing each advertising campaign, AdGenie has developed a unique on-line website visitor tracking system to measure your website visitors, keywords, Pay-Per-Click campaigns, and referring websites. Our services are priced to fit every sized business’ budget!

Give us a call today!

REMEMBER: “If you can’t measure it, You can’t manage it!”

Learn About Our Lead-Gen Systems

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Small Business Lead Generation Systems.

3 + 3 =


      Measure, Monitor, Analyze and Respond

Measure Effectiveness

Monitor Performance

Analyze Data

Respond Quickly and Effectively


      Transparent, Dependable and Affordable

Transparent Call Capture

Dependable On-Line Access

Affordable Pricing Packages

                Simple, Easy and Effective!